Suppose you dream of gaining slender hips and elastic buttocks – squat. The classic squat is included in the training program for athletes of all directions and levels. A simple but effective exercise eliminates congestion in the pelvic organs, equally useful for both men and women.
However, only the right squat will bring health and figure benefits. Therefore, we will tell you about some types of squats and the technique for their implementation. But first, briefly about the main thing.
What muscles work when squatting
The squat is one of the most natural human biomechanical movements. Without realizing it, we squat every time we sit down, tie our shoelaces, or take things from the bottom shelves of our closets. During the squat, many small and large muscles of the lower body work, so if you do the exercise correctly and in a system, you will say goodbye to hyperdynamic.
Now about which muscles are involved in the squat in the first place:
- quadriceps (quadriceps femoris);
- gluteus maximus;
- the large adductor muscle of the thigh;
- soleus muscle (part of the triceps muscle of the lower leg);
- biceps femoris (biceps femoris);
- calf muscles.
A significant load also falls on the extensors of the back, abdominals and several other small muscles of the body and legs.
With the systematic performance of the squat, muscles, joints, and knee tendons are strengthened, and posture and coordination of movements are noticeably improved. Even though the classic squat and its varieties are strength exercises, the load benefits the cardiovascular system. But only if the technique of the exercise is observed.
Classic squat
Different squats differ in the location of the feet, the centre of gravity, and depth, and they are also performed with weighting to build muscle mass.
- put your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart;
- transfer body weight from socks to heels, do not take your feet off the floor while squatting;
- hold your hands as you like – stretched out in front of you, wound up behind your head or crossed on your chest;
- take a deep breath and squat, trying not to lean forward;
- direct your knees and socks strictly in one direction;
- the optimal depth of the squat when the thigh is parallel to the floor;
- exhale and start lifting, but do not straighten your legs to the stop at the top point. Inhale and immediately move down.
You can’t just blow yourself up and rush to squat to exhaustion. Unaccustomed to the knee joints and spine can suffer. The correct squat implies a preliminary warm-up to warm up the muscles, compliance with the technique and mandatory equipment for weighted squats – elastic bandages for the knee and wrist joints and belts. Experienced powerlifters also use special bodysuits.
Now briefly about the different types of squats that involve certain muscles to a greater extent.
sumo squats
Many women and men consider the best inner thigh exercises to be their problem area. Flabbiness disappears, and muscle tone is restored with squats. What muscles work in the sumo squat? This is a thin comb and adductor muscle of the inner thigh.
Unlike the classic squat, perform the exercise with your legs wide apart, and your knees turned to the sides.
Ball squats
If you squeeze a ball between your legs – a regular or fitball- the inner thigh muscles are well loaded.
Another option involves pinning the ball between your back and a vertical surface, often a wall. In this case, part of the load is transferred from the muscles of the legs to the muscles of the lower back.
The most important squat muscles are the quadriceps and glutes. In the trapeze (upper back) barbell squat, they are loaded most effectively.
Squats with a barbell on the front deltas shift the centre of gravity to the quadriceps. Weightlifters more commonly practise front squats. Beginner athletes are advised to perform these exercises under the supervision of a trainer.
Deep squats
The lower the pelvis falls during the squat, the more intense the gluteal muscles work.
Although the deep squat is considered a potentially traumatic exercise for the knee joints, it is adored by girls who dream of elastic buttocks.
In conclusion, you can and should squat at any age, of course, if there is a desire and there are no chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Ideally, three times a week for 3 sets a day. Regular correct squatting will tone the muscles and contribute to the body’s overall strengthening.