How to increase muscle mass
Have you heard about sports nutrition and its influence on increasing muscle mass?
For many people in the sports world, growing the size of their muscle tissue is of great importance. However, a question constantly arises. Can it be achieved with or without food supplements?
Based on the knowledge that sports nutrition provides us, we will tell you how you can increase your muscle mass by applying any of the two ways above. Let’s get started!
What is sports nutrition?
Sports nutrition is a branch of nutrition that focuses on people who do sports activities.
This field works in a scientific and specialized way to guide, guide and educate athletes on how and when they should consume or not certain foods.
He focuses his work on the fundamental criteria for a balanced diet on an ongoing basis; in this way, the energy is achieved that allows us to cope with the training and favors the recovery process.
For people who want to increase their muscle mass, this discipline is responsible for providing the respective tools and knowledge to make this possible. This occurs taking into account the characteristics and particularities of each individual.
The increase in muscle mass
Talking about increasing muscle mass is not just seeing the body bigger. It is a process that occurs when more volume and weight are generated in the muscles.
When the body receives a load of weight to which it is not accustomed, a rupture occurs in the muscle fiber. This is interpreted as an injury from which the muscle must recover. At the time it does, the fibers get more volume.
Different methods have already been studied to accompany this process that generates faster and more effective muscle gain. What is seen most frequently is the diet to increase muscle mass and the gym supplement.
What is a food supplement?
Article 215, Chapter II of the general health law, defines a food supplement. According to this, its main characteristics are based on the following:
· Products made with vegetable components, herbs, traditional foods, minerals, vitamins, or fruit concentrates
- They can come to a pharmaceutical presentation.
- They are used to increase, complement, or supply some elements of the total diet.
- Many nutritional supplements have been created to provide greater muscle reconstruction and generate more size.
- It is important to note that this has nothing to do with thermogenic or fat burners, with which some often confuse them. Fat and muscle are two elements that are worked on differently.
How to achieve increased muscle mass with food supplements
To increase muscle mass with food supplements, you need to add a very important element to your consumption list: protein supplements. To understand the great benefit that proteins generate for muscles, it is first necessary to know a little about them:
What are proteins?
Proteins are molecules that are in our body that are responsible for providing support to our tissues. They can synthesize hormones and enzymes and transport iron and oxygen.
After performing some physical activity, carbohydrates are lost; it is there that when taking a protein supplement, the body can replenish them. This favors muscle recovery.
When protein components combine, they create amino acids. Some of these are naturally produced by the body. However, some mutant mass supplements accompany this production and generate greater development and functioning in the body.
Food supplements to generate greater muscle development
Here we will mention some supplements that allow you to increase muscle mass:
- Proteins
- Amino acids
- Creatine
- Glutamine
- Casein
- Caffeine
These supplements come in different forms and should be taken before or after training.
To find the best option, you need to go to a specialist in sports nutrition. Nutrify has an App that will make this task much easier for nutritionists.
How to achieve increased muscle mass without food supplements
Muscle mass can also increase without taking food supplements. For that, you must follow the following instructions:
Take a good diet
Among the foods that you should include in your meals are:
- Foods rich in protein: white meats, eggs, lentils, rice.
- Foods that contain creatine: pork, salmon, tuna, cod.
- Vitamins and minerals: vegetables, fruits, legumes.
Get enough rest
Since the body is subjected to a level of exhaustion at the time of training, it needs a good rest after that day. In this way, the muscle will be able to recover properly, which will allow it to obtain greater growth.
Get proper training
When the body receives food, it can go in two directions, turn it into fat or allocate nutrients and minerals to muscles. The latter is possible if the body is subjected to constant training. The idea is to perform strength exercises that generate hypertrophy.
Keep the discipline
One of the most important elements when gaining muscle mass is correctly complying with the 3 points. Remember that by not having a food supplement that speeds up muscle work, constancy is a great ally to gain muscle and avoid muscle atrophy.
Just depend on you
Thanks to the knowledge that sports nutrition gives us, we can see how increasing muscle mass is possible with or without food supplements.
The progress of your well-being and body appearance only depends on you. Choose the option that best suits your possibilities and start working to achieve the increase in muscle mass you want.