Two years after the events of the first Sonic movie, Dr. Robotnik aka Eggman (Jim Carrey) is back and ready to take on Sonic with his new ally, Knuckles (Idris Elba).
The film also adds Tails (Colleen O’Shaughnessey), Sonic’s new best friend. They join forces to hunt down the chaos emerald, which holds ultimate power.
The Story
The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog continues to follow the adventures of Sonic, a blue hedgehog from another planet. He escapes dangerous enemies seeking to take his powers and ends up on Earth, living with Tom (James Marsden) and Maddie (Tika Sumpter).
When the evil scientist Dr. Robotnik returns to Earth, he forms a new ally in Knuckles the Echidna (Idris Elba). He seeks out Sonic and their team to help him find a Chaos Emerald that will allow anyone who holds it to gain “ultimate power.”
As Sonic travels to the Mushroom Planet, he opens a ring portal and reunites with his old friend Tails. A two-tailed fox who can fly, Tails was first introduced in the end credits of the original movie and has since grown to be highly devoted to Sonic.
As they journey to Siberia, Sonic and Tails learn that the Master Emerald is hidden on Earth, and Longclaw’s map helps them figure out where to go. But when Robotnik and Knuckles arrive, it’s time for a showdown.
The Zones
The Zones in 123 movies sonic 2 are stages that the player can go through to obtain Chaos Emeralds. They are located in different areas of the game and each stage is unique.
The first level of the game, Emerald Hill Zone, is a great introduction to the world of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. It features an excellent combination of gameplay and design choices that make it a classic of its genre.
After Sonic and Tails reach West-side Island, they find an alternate dimension called “The Special Zone” which is home to a civilization that was corrupted by seven Chaos Emeralds. They sealed the emeralds away in an alternative reality, and now Sonic must find them all before he can return to his own world.
Several of the levels in Sonic 2 were scrapped during development, including Mecha Green Hill Zone and Ocean Wind, which was originally a full level. Despite being a good stage, its boss fight got cut down in the final version.
The Gameplay
Sonic 2 is an iconic game and solidified SEGA’s position in the video game industry as a competitor to Nintendo. It’s also one of the most beloved and praised games in history.
But despite its many great moments, the gameplay in Sonic 2 can be frustrating and unfair. It’s a game that’s built around crippling the player to the point where they’ll die time and time again on spikes and be forced to return to the start of a level.
The problem is, even if you’re willing to cheat – and if you aren’t, you should rethink buying this game – it’s still a brutal experience to play through.
That said, there are some fun moments in the game and the sly references to the original games are definitely worth a look. But overall, the gameplay in Sonic 2 feels a bit too rigid for its own good and could’ve used some tweaks and balance changes to keep it fresh.
The Final Words
Sonic, Tails and the rest of the gang are back for more in this sequel. They’re joined by a new character, Robotnik’s (Jim Carrey) rogue space echidna ally Knuckles.
Those two characters are the big selling points for Sonic 2’s appeal, with Tails’ gadgetry and Knuckles’ fearless attitude being great additions to a film that focuses on the main heroes as well. They also help to bolster the movie’s message that teamwork can get you through anything.
There are lots of great in-jokes and Easter eggs for fans of the games, with a few more to be found here than in the first film. The rings are a little more important in this one, as they serve as mini wormholes for Sonic and his friends to zap themselves between zones.
In the end, the film manages to hammer home that friendship is a key life skill, while also making sure that it’s fun and entertaining for young children. The focus on the teamwork between Tails and Sonic and Knuckles, delivered with cheer, flair and spectacle is a nice touch that makes this more than just another video game-based movie.