First of all, let’s make 2 important remarks:
Sports nutrition has nothing to do with anabolic steroids (except sometimes both are in the same bodybuilder’s bag); it’s the same food as the one in your refrigerator but has more benefits.
Buying sports nutrition starts with buying regular products. If your diet is not regulated correctly, betting on sports nutrition is not much point.
1) Vitamin and mineral complex
The first thing your recruitment should begin with is the IUD. If we can get protein from food, then high-protein and carbohydrate foods are not rich in vitamins. With a lack of vitamins and minerals, stagnation of results, loss of strength, painful appearance, and all kinds of consequences begin. And if we consider that athletes consume 2-3 times more vitamins and minerals than an ordinary person, then the need for an IUD is in the first place.
Taking a vitamin-mineral complex
Vitamins are drunk at breakfast, not exceeding the dosages indicated by the manufacturer. In general, they should always be drunk by everyone, but to avoid the body from rejecting vitamins from food, you can drink them in cycles of 2 months after 1.
2) Creatine monohydrate
Creatine is second on the list. This is the most effective drug on the list of sports nutrition in terms of increasing muscle mass. Its most optimal form is monohydrate; all its other forms are just a marketing ploy. Creatine increases muscle strength, endurance, and, as a result, muscle mass. It retains water in the muscles, thereby increasing the volume and fullness of the muscles.
Creatine intake
Despite many articles about the creatine loading phase, this is nothing more than a move by manufacturers to increase sales. The most optimal is to take creatine 5g daily on an empty stomach (immediately after sleep or after training), stirring in grape juice or water with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. You can drink it in courses for 2 months, then a month of rest, to avoid the body’s tolerance to creatine.
When taking creatine, drinking plenty of water, at least 2-3 liters per day, is important. Do not combine your creatine intake with caffeine or caffeinated products.
3) Protein
Protein is the main building block of muscles. With it, moving a single step to gain muscle mass is possible. Multiplying your weight by 2.5-3, we get the daily protein requirement for muscle growth. It would help if you ate 5-7 times a day to get this volume. But what if you can’t eat so often because of work? A protein shake, taken with you, comes to the rescue. One serving (40 g) contains about 30 g of protein, a one-time protein absorption rate.
What protein to drink and when?
There are 2 most effective types of protein: whey and casein. The first has an instant absorption rate; the second is absorbed for up to 7 hours. Whey protein is very effective immediately after sleep or immediately after training, that is, at the moments of the greatest exhaustion of the body. Casein comes to the rescue when we know that we will not see food soon, for example, before bed and training. All these hours, casein is slowly absorbed, gradually “feeding” the body with amino acids.
Protein intake
Thus, we see the scheme of protein intake as follows: After sleep – a portion (40 g) of whey protein; before training – a portion (40 g) of casein; after training – a portion (40 g) of whey, before bed – a portion (40 g) of casein.
It is a complex of the three most important amino acids needed to protect muscles from catabolism (muscle breakdown) and activate anabolism. The body does not synthesize them, so they can only be obtained from mega mass 2000 supplements. The positive effects of BCAAs are mass: this is an increase in muscle mass, an increase in strength indicators, and protection of muscles from destruction, and a decrease in body fat.
BCAA intake
The most useful time for taking BCAAs is during the training period. Before, during, and after training, 5-10 g will protect your muscles before, during, and after training and stimulate them to recover and further grow.
5) Omega-3 (fish oil)
This is a complex of polyunsaturated fats, which are very important for maintaining the body’s overall health, muscle growth, and burning fat. Studies have shown that fish oil promotes protein synthesis in muscles and increases muscle cells.
Omega-3 intake
The norm for the use of fish oil is 3 g per day, divided into 3 doses. Breaks in reception are not required.