1. High in antioxidants that protect against damage
Nuts are rich in polyphenols, a class of compounds which provide a protection on the body. They can do this by helping neutralize unstable molecules known as free radicals, which could cause harm.
A study that examined the beneficial effects of almonds and walnuts showed their polyphenol content boosted antioxidant power, which aids in protecting cells from injury.
2. Gut health is supported
Nuts are a great source of fiber, with almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts being among the highest in fibre content. The evidence indicates that a diet high in fibre may be associated with an lowered risk of contracting many chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. In addition, increasing the amount of fibre you consume will also help control your digestive system.
The polyphenols found in nuts aid in keeping our guts healthy, by helping the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut. They do this by supplying fuel to the bacteria, allowing them to grow and increase their numbers. Certain bacteria, in turn, create short-chain fatty acids, which offer numerous benefits to our gut as well as our overall health.
3. Might aid in weight management
Nuts contain many phytochemicals and nutrients can be difficult to digest. this means that we are in a position to not absorb around 5 to 15% of calories found in nuts. This is why consuming only a small amount of nuts, like a tiny handful of nuts is ininversely related to the body weight index (BMI).
This was proven by research that found eating nuts, like this one 55g of almonds to make up a balanced diet, had the least risk of weight growth. A study conducted in 2013 found that almonds, when consumed as a snack aid in reducing the appetite.
4. A high fat content
Except for chestnuts and walnuts, all nuts are high-fat food which ranges up to 46% when it comes to cashews, and Pistachio to 76% for macadamias. But, the kind of fats that are high in omega-3 have been proven to be beneficial to health. They are also low in saturated fats, and higher in heart-friendly mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats.
Walnuts merit being mentioned because they possess the highest amount of short chain omega-3 essential fatty acid alpha theoic acid (ALA) among the edible plant kingdom, which makes them a great choice for those on a plant-based diet.
5. Aids in maintaining heart health
Incorporating nuts into your diet has been linked with an improvement in heart health. The reason is that eating nuts can help maintain your health lining of arteries, regulates cholesterol levels and decreases the formation of plaques or deposits, as well as reducing chances of developing blood clots.
The reasons that nuts aid in heart health are many, including their healthy fat profile, which is mainly mono – and poly-unsaturated. They also have a high fibre content, their presence of phytosterols, as well as protein content such as L-arginine that help to reduce blood vessel tension and blood pressure.