Arthritis is characterized by pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. There are more than 100 kinds of arthritis-related ailments that include rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis, and Psoriatic arthritis. Each of these causes stiffness, pain and swelling that vary from mild to very extreme. Although there isn’t any one diet that is recommended for managing arthritis but a balanced diet can help ease the symptoms. Certain foods can cause inflammation and joint pain.
Here are a few foods that arthritis sufferers should stay clear of:
Red Meat
Red meat is an excellent source of iron, however excessive amounts of it may create inflammation and pain due to the high levels of arachidonic acid as well as saturated fats. Red meat also has significant amounts of Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs). These are toxins that develop after the meat has been fried or heated before being grilled. These toxins could harm proteins within the body, while also triggering an increase in the amount of inflammation substances (known as Cytokines) that can cause the pain.
Processed Food
Canned food items ready for microwave cooking, microwave-ready meals, as well as potato chips are loaded with trans fats that may cause systemic inflammation. Look at the labels of food items that contain partially hydrogenated fats. This is a evident sign for trans fats. Foods processed also contain a significant amounts of sodium that can extend their shelf-life. Studies show that adults is advised to restrict their intake of sodium at 1,500 mg which is about half of a teaspoon per daily. For those suffering from arthritis the intake of sodium should be minimized as much as is possible as it could cause inflammation.
Chocolate, pastries, chocolate and soda should be reduced or completely removed from your diet, as sweets (especially refined sugar) can cause age-related diseases. Be aware of any item that has the word “ose,” such as fructose, glucose, and maltose. These are signs of excessive sugar levels.
High Fat Dairy
Some dairy products are not detrimental to arthritis sufferers. Certain dairy products are excellent source of calcium. Yogurt is one of them. It is rich in probiotics and considered to be anti-inflammatory. However, dairy is included in many high-fat food items like butter and cheese. Pay attention to products that contain high Saturated fats or AGEs. Alternatives like hemp soy, almonds rice, or soy can be added to your diet instead of dairy.
What is effective for one person’s diet might not be suitable for everyone else. Talk to a qualified nutritionist and physiotherapist for a thorough assessment of your body’s capabilities and let them develop a plan that will meet your dietary and mobility requirements.